SLM Pedagogy: Designed and tested by teachers, for teachers. NSF Awarded and Subsidized.
*Every Spreadsheet Lab Manual Module is comprised of 6 identically formatted files, each of which saves teachers time:
1. Lesson Plan (.xls) - NGSS aligned with DCIs, SEPs and CCCs, objectives, content area, strategies, skills, assessment.
2. Student Handout (.doc) - Objective, Discussion, Programming Procedure, Guided Inquiry, and Assessment.
3. Introductory Slide Show (.ppt) - Quickly sets the objective and summarizes the modeling process for students.
4. Blank Template (.xls) - Saves class time by filling in data labels and column headings, students must still program the model.
5. Completed Spreadsheet (.xls) - Teachers have immediate access to completed models (to demo or provide the completed model to students).
6. Answer Key (.doc) - Describe how to solve every problem along with answers, sample solutions, sample writings.
Research in Practice: Video-Based, Professional Development Training Modules: On July 1 2019, Spreadsheet Lab Manual LLC has been funded by the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research (NSF SBIR Phase 1), America's Seed Fund, to innovate new products and bring them to market that will have a broad societal impact and benefit. As our principle investor, this NSF funding to ensures that Spreadsheet Lab Manual LLC will continue to place the needs of teachers and the public good in providing essential data analysis skills to a growing number of schools.
SLM Pedagogy is so carefully organized, this video training will ensure that every student in any school can now learn with spreadsheet modeling.
1 - Plan, 2 - Print, 3 - Present, 4 - Provide, 5 - Proctor (as students) Program, 6 - Performance Assess
Subject Areas: 100 Level: Training, 200 - Physics, 300 - Chemistry, 400 - Biology/Environmental, 500 - Mathematics, 600 - Automotive
Organizational Coding: Subject Area, Module #, - File Type (Biology, Genetics Simulation, Answer Key Code #: 403-6)
Spreadsheet Lab Manual Knowledge Engine Pedagogy: This is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) implementation model.
Teacher training backed by tested student instructional materials. Student applications provided by teacher members.
Terminal Velocity: (this module is open sourced)
Link: Training Video
Instructional Materials:
202-1. Terminal Velocity Lesson Plan (.xls) - NGSS aligned: DCIs: HS-PS2-1, HS-PS4-2, HS-ETS1-4 SEPs: 1-8 (All), CCCs: 1-4
202-2. Terminal Velocity Student Handout (.doc)
202-3. Terminal Velocity Introductory Slide Show (.ppt)
202-4. Terminal Velocity Blank Template (.xls)
202-5. Terminal Velocity Completed Spreadsheet (.xls)
202-6 Terminal Velocity Answer Key (.doc)
202S: Supplement File (this contains all teacher sourced questions, extensions and applications to this simulation)
Teacher training backed by tested student instructional materials. Student applications provided by teacher members.
Terminal Velocity: (this module is open sourced)
Link: Training Video
Instructional Materials:
202-1. Terminal Velocity Lesson Plan (.xls) - NGSS aligned: DCIs: HS-PS2-1, HS-PS4-2, HS-ETS1-4 SEPs: 1-8 (All), CCCs: 1-4
202-2. Terminal Velocity Student Handout (.doc)
202-3. Terminal Velocity Introductory Slide Show (.ppt)
202-4. Terminal Velocity Blank Template (.xls)
202-5. Terminal Velocity Completed Spreadsheet (.xls)
202-6 Terminal Velocity Answer Key (.doc)
202S: Supplement File (this contains all teacher sourced questions, extensions and applications to this simulation)